The Glass Ocean

I've seen threads closed for less and odder things. I am sorry for the fact the store is closing its retail side but I think the issue was all the selling aspects and not being a sponsor of RC.
I didnt blow the thread in but am sorry for all of it... the store closing and the thread

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9457875#post9457875 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltwaterfishlover
I've seen threads closed for less and odder things. I am sorry for the fact the store is closing its retail side but I think the issue was all the selling aspects and not being a sponsor of RC.
I didnt blow the thread in but am sorry for all of it... the store closing and the thread



i'm not trying to get into it with you personally - HOWEVER ... and i do mean it ... this sites desire to make money is VERY apparent!

Please tell me why a fellow members post have been edited:

He owns a store in SOUTH FLORIDA, and post to his friends in his hometown club in OHIO about his store? oh wait - let me guess ... DING DING DING - we have a winner ... its because he didn't pay up to be a sponsor!

come on .. isn't that a bit far fetched? the guy posts in the OHIO forum about the fact that he purchased a store in SOUTH FLOIRDA - clear acros the US, not across town.

Then you guys delete this guys thread - he is announcing that his store is closing and its his last week ... and you guys shut his post down & delete it ...
Do you expect him to pay for a sponsor membership when he is simply closing the stores doors?

NO, not edit & lock - you DELETE IT?


What happened to this site?


I think you might be barking up the wrong tree, since he said he was not the one who did it. I think he just responded since he was a mod, and saw questions. Rules are rules I guess. question is what happens if a non store related member posts things up? If it was me that anounced that I found a LFS had a great sale or something. Is that fall within the rules?
I'm not even a mod just a member of Team RC. I new the intent of the original thread, but others followed the "proper" reefcentral policies.

I think posting hey I found this sale or great thing is ok but I think the description of everything else was close to advertising (maybe I dont remember the thread well) I would have gone myself to buy some things if I didnt live on the east coast.
I was mearly appologizing for what happened with the thread.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9459390#post9459390 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by keinreis
I think you might be barking up the wrong tree, since he said he was not the one who did it. I think he just responded since he was a mod, and saw questions.

I apologize if I sounded like i was acusing him - i wasn't - i understood that he did not delete the thread. i should've made it more clear ...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9459660#post9459660 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltwaterfishlover
I'm not even a mod just a member of Team RC. I new the intent of the original thread, but others followed the "proper" reefcentral policies.

Again - I must apologize for not making it more clear. I was not trying to 'pick a bone' or fight with you - i'm simply a bit frustrated due to the way some of these threads, posts & interpetations of rules & policies are being handled.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9459681#post9459681 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by keinreis
I thought so! Now apologize Marco... :lol:

happy? ok - back to plumbing.
Everything is about money, this site wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for money. Its simple economics, sponsors pay lots of money so they can advertise there product. Its called BIG BUSSINESS controls everything. This is the reason our country outsources many jobs and why companies like Walmart are so weathy they can elimate corner stores just for the principle.

You can sum it up as MONEY IS POWER. Forums are not designed to help and inform people about a subject so be it fish, cars, working out, golfing etc. The sites are designed with the intention on making money, what brings in the money? common people talking about their everyday situations and building a particular base that makes a bussiness say "Hey I can target an audience here and make some money" Local bussiness can't tap into this feature because A: Its just to much money ( why big bussiness controls everything) and B: Its not sensible to pay lots of money when your target audience is only a few dozen compared to several thousand within the particular forum.

BUT I will add that I have purchased from the Selling forum and been lied to about corals which were apparently photoshopped and nothing was done to make amends of this, so instead of trusting everyday people who don't have a reputation to uphold cuz you'll never meet them face to face, I'd rather buy from a petstore instead.

I say all this with due respect that I am not bashing this or any particular forum inpartularly but instead speaking about economics as a whole and the fact that most all people will do anything to make some money. Its not about helping the hobby or promoting good husbandry. 99 percent of forums are OPINIONS, people read this and go it must be true its in writing.

I further more would like to say that it is totally fine IMO for people to speak their mind as long as its in good intention about local business if its of no benifit to them but rather to the hobby.
First off, Marco, thanks for sticking up for me and for common sense. I guess I didn't really follow the RC rules, since I am a retailer. However, the way it was deleted really peeved me. At the bottom of the IM they sent, it stated that I could not say anything about the message, and if I did they could ban me from RC. WOW!
I was going to be an advertising sponsor here, but I have to look twice at it now.
Anyway, thanks again to all you great people that have shopped the store.

Funny because I visit many message boards daily, and this is the only one that even has sponsors, so you sir are incorrect! Almost every fourm I have ever frequented even big ones are unsponsored, and are there for the love of the subject.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9460263#post9460263 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
Forums are not designed to help and inform people about a subject so be it fish, cars, working out, golfing etc. The sites are designed with the intention on making money,
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9461316#post9461316 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by glassocean
First off, Marco, thanks for sticking up for me and for common sense. I guess I didn't really follow the RC rules, since I am a retailer. However, the way it was deleted really peeved me. At the bottom of the IM they sent, it stated that I could not say anything about the message, and if I did they could ban me from RC. WOW!
I was going to be an advertising sponsor here, but I have to look twice at it now.
Anyway, thanks again to all you great people that have shopped the store.


so did you get baned? I hope not.