Here we go.
First I decided to use wood over steel. I know steel is lighter but I am not a welder. Also, I don't care much about the weight because if we can move a 450 gallon tank then I am sure we can move the stand
So now that we are going to use wood that means that we are going to need Gorilla Glue. NOTE, please use gloves, and if you get it on your hands, washing it will do nothing as it is water proof! lesson learned.
As you can see on the board, I have the base being glued now. and on the blue can you can see the support beams that will hold the 6,000 lbs.
The wood is 2 3/4 4x8 sheets from home depot.
2x 13.00 = 26.00
1 bottle glue 14.00
i box gloves 5.00
Support Total $45.00 not bad.
Note, every board is 3/4 inches glued to make 1.5 inches total.
The base on the board are 4 inches tall by 8ft. I have 4 of these 2 for the bottom and 2 for the top
The support beams are 10 4in x 36 inches boards.
they will be set up as L's on each corner so that will be a total of 4.
(remember each one of the 4 beams is 4 3/4 boards glued to make 2 then glued to make 1 L.
I will upload images of this in the next few days. Today is sanding so the edges are flush.