The new Salt Water Cage.


Where's The Reef?
115 gallon glass tank (60"x18"x25") w/built in overflow
40 gallon custom Sump
10 gallon copepod breeding tank
Precision Marine RL-175 Protein Skimmer
Eheim 1262 Return Pump
400w heater
2x1400gph Koralia's
2x250w 14k Metal Halides
Stand and Canopy I Built Myself with my Brother
100lbs Of Bulk Reef Supply Pukani Rock
100lbs of Carib-Alive Sugar size Live Sand

I run GFO, and carbon.

Current tank inhabitants: w/names
Zebra Moray Eel (Merv)
Fire Shrimp (Chuck Norris)(Mervs Buddy)
1 Occelaris clownfish (Tango)(I lost Cash a while back)
3 Emerald Crabs




Ignore the nightmare of an across to the left.


The sticker Basically states that I will personally pistol whip anyone whosoever decides to mess with the tank.I have had reefs for a little over 2 years.
It is just a 10 gallon tank, with a 50w heater.That's It.I threw a couple of copepods in there, and now there is probably over 100,000 in there...its nuts.Occasionally I just get a Dixie cup and scrape the tanks bottom and get some pods out and put them into the Display tank.
It is just a 10 gallon tank, with a 50w heater.That's It.I threw a couple of copepods in there, and now there is probably over 100,000 in there...its nuts.Occasionally I just get a Dixie cup and scrape the tanks bottom and get some pods out and put them into the Display tank.

I would like to start that for myself
Its a cool little project.A 5 gallon Tank, would work as well.I guess anything with salt water would work...
Just some PVC work, and an artificial plant.I feed them about twice a week.A small amount of mysis shrimp.
Merv at the dentist-drive-through


Coming this week!A Bonded Pair of Picasso Clownfish, with Purple Bubble tip Anemone, clowns are already hosting it!The week after that, a trio of Blue reef Chromis, or...a Magnificent Foxface!What sounds better?
Similar to copepods, did nobody raise Sea Monkeys when they were a kid? (those are actually brine shrimp larvae!)
Jabo, I am picking them in Memphis from a Guy that is tearing down his tank, and moving, I have bought some great corals from him before, and I have wanted his clown pair & Anemone for a while, so he made a me a un-refusable deal.

I used to grow Sea Monkeys, I has no idea that is what they were!