The things I see in my tank..


New member
So today I saw my female clown bite my sps was only once, but she bite the tip of my green slimmer. The coral looks fine, no worries there. But I've never seen that happen before. Then I saw my dottyback host in my gsp! Just like a clown would host an anemone. (Btw my clowns want nothing to do with my bta). But I tried to get a video of it and he got scared and went back into the rocks. It was pretty cool, anyone else have anything similar happen in your years of reef keeping?
I've got a picture of my dottyback sleeping in a bed of Palys - it's hard to see, but it is the purple spot in the middle:
I've got a picture of my dottyback sleeping in a bed of Palys - it's hard to see, but it is the purple spot in the middle:

That's awesome! I did not know they will do that. Mine was trying to get cozy in the gsp it looked like hahaha