This led good enough for a fuge in my 40 gallon breeder?


Active member

The light is about 6 inches from the surface of the water.

800 lumens

I'm sure that lamp will grow hair and cyano just fine. If you are going to grow a "higher" algae, get more light.

I use a PAR38 style LED from Lowes, it is a spot light, 20W and it grows chaeato very well.
I don't see why this wouldn't work, it is a 60w equivalent so for that sized fuge it should be bright enough, a little lower on the color spectrum than I usually aim for. With that much yellow you might get a bit of the nuisance algae as Poseidon pointed out but I still think it will grow chaeto just fine.
What range I'm a shooting for? Thought lower kelvin ratings were better for some reason? I can go stronger if needed but would a par38 be too much? Anyone want to link me to something better I can grab at lowes?
I like the 5000k-6000k personally, always had good success within that range. Also I like the LED bulbs that are more directional pointing straight down. It keeps the light focused to the area in the fuge, with the bulb you have you have more light spilling to other sections of the sump which is going to result in more algae growing on the sump walls outside of the fuge.