New member
I came home today, after a trip to HD and a couple of local fish stores to find water comming out of my front door.
My hands were shaking as I unlocked it, I kept thinking stand colapse? what if the 180 fell? the 125? I did not want to go in, and accually stood there with the keys in the door unlocked thinking about what horrors awaited.
The good news? The 180 and 125 were fine
The bad news? The 50G SPS's sump was dry (10 gallons) the skimmer sump was 5 inches down (5 gallons) and 6 gallons of kalk had gone into the tank via the auto topoff (6 gallons) total water lost 21 gallons ON MY CARPET!!!!!!!!!
Not only that but all my seio's had shut down (all 3, still no idea why) the UV was dry, but the bulb was on, and the maxijet that fed it was dry (and locked up), the maxijet that fed the skimmer was running dry and the mag7 return was running dry. Not only that but the LUFT pump that runs the air powered skimmer for the nano was pumping WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but not very well and it zaped the heck out of me before I realised it.
So that means, for possibly 4-5 hours, NO In tank water movement, and Pumps dry, and no sump return.
I had 10 gallons of water mixed up for tonight's water change, but it was not the salt I use in this tank it was the 50/50 mix of instant ocean and oceanic that the nano uses. One of the things I picked up was a new 160 gallon bucket of IO so I could do this tank's water change tomorrow.
The cause you ask? The air restricter came off the skimmer:angry: Something that stupid,.... just when this tank was doing so well. I had enough spare parts to get everything working again, and I am mixing up more water for another water change with the right salt tomorrow. My carpet is DRENCHED and I have no idea what to do about that
I have a feeling I won't know the true effects of this for a couple of days, but my stumich is turning already.
Thanks for reading my rant,
My hands were shaking as I unlocked it, I kept thinking stand colapse? what if the 180 fell? the 125? I did not want to go in, and accually stood there with the keys in the door unlocked thinking about what horrors awaited.
The good news? The 180 and 125 were fine
The bad news? The 50G SPS's sump was dry (10 gallons) the skimmer sump was 5 inches down (5 gallons) and 6 gallons of kalk had gone into the tank via the auto topoff (6 gallons) total water lost 21 gallons ON MY CARPET!!!!!!!!!
Not only that but all my seio's had shut down (all 3, still no idea why) the UV was dry, but the bulb was on, and the maxijet that fed it was dry (and locked up), the maxijet that fed the skimmer was running dry and the mag7 return was running dry. Not only that but the LUFT pump that runs the air powered skimmer for the nano was pumping WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but not very well and it zaped the heck out of me before I realised it.
So that means, for possibly 4-5 hours, NO In tank water movement, and Pumps dry, and no sump return.
I had 10 gallons of water mixed up for tonight's water change, but it was not the salt I use in this tank it was the 50/50 mix of instant ocean and oceanic that the nano uses. One of the things I picked up was a new 160 gallon bucket of IO so I could do this tank's water change tomorrow.
The cause you ask? The air restricter came off the skimmer:angry: Something that stupid,.... just when this tank was doing so well. I had enough spare parts to get everything working again, and I am mixing up more water for another water change with the right salt tomorrow. My carpet is DRENCHED and I have no idea what to do about that
I have a feeling I won't know the true effects of this for a couple of days, but my stumich is turning already.
Thanks for reading my rant,