Those of you who use Tropic Marin Salt


I have looked everywhere and cant find the amount of salt you put in to make 5 gallons of saltwater. the Directions just say "Use the right amount and mix in a bucket" which does not help me at all. I have mixed it before but not in a whyle. Can anyone help me with this?

I just started my tank, with Tropic Marin Pro Reef, and it worked out to be about 1/2 cup per gallon. You'll likely need to tweek from there, but it should get you close.
ok thanks i have mixed it before but not this spacific brand I usually use the instant ocean. But decided to try this.

thanks again
Ya, tropic marin pro is pretty sweet. 1/2 cup per gallon works for me. I don't know why they don't say that on the bucket.
Just to have another hand in the mix - I also worked it out to 1/2 cup per gallon of water. I did double check that a couples times with a Milwaukee Light Refractometer so I feel pretty comfortable.