
also...couldnt i just get two of these in 36 inch to fit my 72" tank and still be just as good as pc's or better? and they would only be like 150
Hum... brand new thing. At first gland I would say no way, but I dunno. Worth looking into, but I would wait till I heard lots of feedback.

These arent for full lighting of a tank, just to induce a shimmering effect similar to that of metal halide. I dont think these would give you any siginficant amount of PAR on your tank to allow coral growth and life.
right right i understand that of course but i want my tank to at least look like it has metal halides if i cant afford em...i have seen tanks lit by metal halides and it blows PC's and T5's outta the water (lol) i wonder how well they work...idk....but its sooo hard to find 72" pcs for cheap....180 is best i found but for 80 dollar shipping (shoulda stuck with a 90...48" lights are easy to find...heck i have some lol)
they will not work as a main lighting system and i doubt they will produce a shimmer effect when combined with other lights as advertised.

IMO they are more for a moon light effect and you can do much better then $60 for moon lights. for moon lights look on-line or at kmart for outdoor blue led Christmas lights. should be able to get them for about $10
For the lights on your system why not make a DIY system of whatever type of lights you want... pc, tv, vho, mh. Its cheaper and you can make it whatever size you want.
I don't think these will do much. I leave my moon lights on all the time, and my tank doesn't shimmer. Same concept. I think two 36" PC's would be fine. If you ever get a canopy, noone would know the difference.
One of these ($33) and a used PC power supply will get you the same thing for cheaper. Plus you could add more of the LED strips as your budget permits.

But keep in mind that this would be a suppliment to your other lighting. You'd have to practically cover your tank in these strips to get to a point of being able to keep corals.

And I agree with mbunna, these probably will not get you much of a shimmer effect with your other lighting on.
I have seen shimmer with a lot of different lights. It is all about the reflector and the angle the light enters the water. If you are able to reflect the light so it is concentrated and enters perpendicular to the water, then it will shimmer as the water moves.
I think this is the same light I bought for under my kitchen counters at Lowes for $40. If it didn't burn out in a month I'd check to see if it adds the shimmer effect, but knowing how little light it put off in my kitchen I'd doubt you would get much shimmer.
You could always get a lighting hood that had 2 36" bulbs end to end...

I agree with the above statements that the shimmering affect they are probally talking about is the moon light shimmer.