throwing up?


In Memoriam
What does it mean when rics open their mouths and squeeze out swirly junk? Are they calling it quits or what? I mean OPEN, not just a little open. Could they be too close to the light or what?
it means they are stressing and not happy at all. need a bit more info to ascertain why they are not happy, maybe list your tank specs,lighting,flow rate,water parameters(all test fine is not the answer we want, list the actual test and numbers), etc. also is it a florida or yuma?
I gotta tell ya. All tests fine, LOL. I have my LFS test the water. I could not tell you what the params are "supposed" to be but I can tell you this. The temp is 79 just about 24 hours a day. The light is a 96 watt PC with a brand new bulb. I bought a rock the other day with 20-25 yuma and florida on it. The LFS did not know the difference so I got them for a price I do not even want to tell. Most of them are tiny babies, but one of the smaller non babies is freaking out. It has been a week. I am set to do a water change today. I tilted the rock away from the light so it does not take light directly. I had planned on having my 40 breeder up and running by now. but it will not be filled until early next week. This rock is really more than I wanted to put into my ten gallon so I kind of just have it sitting side ways in there right now. Since I tilted the rock this morning the ric in question seems to be doing better. I'll take a pic and post later on.
too many variables mate with next to no info on your tank so its very hard to offer a solution. as you bought this rock on impulse and your now regretting it remember, nothing good happens fast in a reef tank.........
Thanks mate. BUT. I never said anything about regretting it or impulsing it or wanting anything fast. But at least you got the rock part correct.
This rock is really more than I wanted to put into my ten gallon
sorry mate i read that comment as its impulse buy, it doesn't really work in the tank but i'll get it anyway. yumas on acclimation are way too finicky to be messing around with them in an unsuited environment.

as far as relying on LFS testing your water and not telling you the parameters i'd be a little concerned as to whether your water is bad but they say its good, your corals suffer, then this product will fix it, maybe this one will, nah definately this one, thats right john uses this and that fixed his tank........i'm not saying your LFS is doing this but there are some that do, you are better off testing your own water.

best of luck with your yumas :thumbsup:

EDIT: spelling
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well said mate, someone that has no idea what the parameters should be does not deserve to own a reef tank. has an attitude though. why dont you go ask the LFS what to do. you sure trust them too much.
LOL. I think you are right. I don't deserve it. HAHAHA. That was not pretentious at all. Just like I don't deserve my car since I don't know how to build a motor. Or my yard since I could not tell you the parameters of my soil. LOL. The rock is fine for my tank. I just had to rearrange some stuff to give it some shelter. It's perfect this morning. Thanks for all the help. LOL.

BTW, if your LFS owner is such a crook then you should take it up with him, don't project your anger at mine. Mine is great.
Calm down. I asked ONE question. I never asked for an ethics in reefing seminar. It's fine now. The thing was getting too much light. All is well in my reef tank. I have no attitude. I was jumped on for no reason and nobody offered any useful information. So if I am offending the people who helped, I think that pretty much means nobody was offended. Sorry I asked.

You know. The worst part about this forum is that when someone says something completely retarded like "you don't deserve a reef tank" NOBODY calls him on it. Instead they all add onto the guy who was told he does not deserve an aquarium. LAME. And funny. Had I read that in a thread that was not authored by myself I would have PWNED the tool who wrote it. But no. It seems like most people agree with those types of stupid remarks like you are all so special and that keeping a freaking saltwater aquarium is some special right. What a joke. Maybe it is. Who knows?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14511994#post14511994 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by freddy4130
So if I am offending the people who helped, I think that pretty much means nobody was offended.

That was a really clever burn. :thumbsup:

Never wanting to be a cause of further escalation, I adopted a sort of "Prime Directive" attitude as evidenced in my sig. After all, this is just the internet.
LOL you chose the sentence my last post was referring to, you are wise :thumbsup:

yes this is just the internet, but some people do search to find out possible cures/causes for their problems. others just want to hear what they want to hear. unfortunately the OP'er didn't bother help us help him, "everything is fine but tell me what's wrong"

it really makes me wonder why i bother trying to help people with their problems. it is one reason why i try to refrain from offering advice to people under 18 years of age, they always know best.
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How can one person tell someone they don't deserve to own a tank w/o knowing the person, or know at least somewhat of the type of person they are. It's no ones fault that they rely on a LFS to provide support and advice, that is after all the purpose of the LFS.

As for the "Loose the attitude" comment, I find that to be just as ridiculous as the post of the person coming here saying "you don't deserve to have a tank". These forums are for reefers to help out others who need it, not for you to come here and take out your aggression for hating your life. If you don't have anything postive to say, please move on.


You just put them in the tank, and it's a baby that's stressed out, I think one thing most people make the mistake of doing is not properly acclimating your newest additions. Loosing 1 out of 20 is not a bad number. Good luck with the new tank and Rics.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14615990#post14615990 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GaryR1984
How can one person tell someone they don't deserve to own a tank w/o knowing the person, or know at least somewhat of the type of person they are. It's no ones fault that they rely on a LFS to provide support and advice, that is after all the purpose of the LFS.

As for the "Loose the attitude" comment, I find that to be just as ridiculous as the post of the person coming here saying "you don't deserve to have a tank". These forums are for reefers to help out others who need it, not for you to come here and take out your aggression for hating your life. If you don't have anything postive to say, please move on.


You just put them in the tank, and it's a baby that's stressed out, I think one thing most people make the mistake of doing is not properly acclimating your newest additions. Loosing 1 out of 20 is not a bad number. Good luck with the new tank and Rics.

I agree. All he asked was a simple question. Someone wasnt satisfied with the information he had given, and so others as well started criticized him for asking a question and for being in the hobby. Instead of offering any praticle suggestions or good advice. It would lead me to believe that they dont have an idea what is going on and are not here to help anyway.

I thought you handled these rude remarks tactfully Freddy. If I knew what was going on I would try and help. Sorry you got treated so poorly. Dont give up. There are alot of mature people here, like Gary, who are more than willing to help.