time for an upgrade


New member
Time for an update! For 4 years and 8 months, my lights have ran nonstop without flaw, and I've been able to grow anything I wanted to grow. Sps, lps, anything I put in my tank thrived with EcoTech Gen1 lights. Now it's time to say goodbye to my Gen1's. I'm sending out 6 lights Friday to EcoTech to upgrade to the Gen3 Pros. Once the 6 lights return I will ship out 3, then the final 3.
I did crash my tank a year or so ago. I neglected my tank, and the crash was my fault. Now I'm ready to regrow. This time I get to use the newest best lights available. Here is a picture of my tank I grew under EcoTech's Gen1 lights.

Stay tuned to see new Reef. [​IMG]
You can watch my build thread for updates. I will post pictures here as well.