Time lapse fun!


New member
I am still learning all of the fun features in my new camera (Powershot G-9).
One of my new favorites is the time lapse vide recorder.
I am going to have to make little videos of all my corals during the next couple of days....

Duncans opening up after feeding.

My Bowerbanki colony feeding on cyclopeeze.
very cool. So that is just a series of pics taken on a timer?

What program did you use to link them all together? or was it done by the camera.?

Some of those point and shoots have some neat little features.
If you have the software called Pinnacle Studio Plus 10, there is a way to edit the speed of a video and accelerate it by up to 500%!

I also have a time lapse function built into my camera. I select video recording and then time lapse, set for 1 frame every 2 seconds, make my recording and then accelerate with my studio software.