Tips on dosing with pump?


New member
I'd like to start dosing kalkwasser using my dosing pump. I'm not dosing anything else at this time. It looks like I have the controller setup to at least come on at a desired low pH value. So the issue is not proper settings for it to actually work.

What I'm wondering is how to avoid pH overshoots while dosing. Seems to me that the placement of the probe is critical in relation to the section of the sump where the kalk gets dosed. Also seems like a small hysteresis like .1 will keep it pretty tight.
As it is now, my pH probe along with temp, cond., redox are all in the drain/skimmer section of the sump. But my concern is dosing kalk into the skimmer section. Will this tend to drive my skimmer nuts or create clogging?

Anyone have any tips on settings, probe location, etc.? I've never dosed kalk before and am not sure what to expect. Just as an FYI, my current calcium is 440 and my ALk is 8.4 dKH. Not sure about Mag. I'm trying to raise my pH from a stinking 7.9. Thanks.
Well, believe it or not I actually read the manual before posting.

It looks like the control can be proportional or some modification of that. I can't really tell if the 2 other modes (integral/ derivative) are available or what is written anyway.

The problem here is that setting up a controller to perform in the manner you want it to (integral/derivative), is truly experimental. I was hoping to get a 'starting point' from someone.
sorry, I can't give you a "starting point"

I would use one of the pulse/pause modes with short times and see what happens - try and error

These modes are usually used to control the pH-value in ponds, and here are real large response times.