Toadstool Leather


I recently fragged my Toadstool Leather. I have 3-5 frags. 4 are quarter to maybe half dollar in size and the fifth is probably about the size of a dime. Looks like 3 of the bigger ones are very healthy, opening and closing every day and attached to a piece of live rock. 1 of the bigger ones looks ok, but still a little unsure of it, and the smallest one I really can't tell yet if its ok or not. Anyway, I was unsure what I would do with the frags, but I've pretty much decided I will either sell or trade them. If I sell them, I think probably $15 each is fair. If you are interested in trading, I'm not really looking for any particular coral, but really interested in something red, blue, or bright green. Looking for bright colors. Let me know if interested. I have a few pics, one of the mother and then 1 of each frag, you can see them here:
I would like to buy two of them if you can bring them to the meeting. One for me and one for my father. If you would rather trade, I can frag a large piece of fluorescent green star polyps or some candy cane coral which is a bright blue color but will only be a stalk of with two or three trumpets on it... or I can give you a s*** ton of long stem pink xenia... let me know
If Ryan doesn't want star polyp and/or candy cane I'll buy what he doesn't want. I'll take xenia too. Just let me know how much$$ to bring. Thanks Malisa
Hey, I have star polyp already, but would like to try the candy cane. So, if ok with you, we can just do one for trade and you can buy the other. Thanks.
malisa check to see what corals are soft or hard, you dont have the lights for the hard ones, i think candy canes are hard, what kind of corals do you have now? i may can let you have something out of my tank that i may have two or more of,
I have kept it well a little over a year and a half and I only have compacts. It has grown and the color is really bright.
Okay ... the Memphis market is officially flooded with what used to be the ultra rare neon green sarcophyton.

I have one baby off with Teena's name on it and a bunch more ready to drop off my mother colony, too.

Somebody else PM'ed me looking for one, but my PM box got messed up. Please resend unless you're working something out with Ryan's babies because I will have more too.

Maybe I should pull one off and start it as a door prize for the meeting?
Oh Ryan ... SORRY

We were just talking last meeting how the neon greens had made it around the club and I didn't read your post carefully.

OOps ... I really didn't mean to steal your thread.

Toadstools are great whatever the color. Yours looks like the kind with the long polyps .... I love those, too.
That's ok Cathy, I just wanted to make sure that anyone that might be interested in getting one from me understands that mine is not neon green.