I recently fragged my Toadstool Leather. I have 3-5 frags. 4 are quarter to maybe half dollar in size and the fifth is probably about the size of a dime. Looks like 3 of the bigger ones are very healthy, opening and closing every day and attached to a piece of live rock. 1 of the bigger ones looks ok, but still a little unsure of it, and the smallest one I really can't tell yet if its ok or not. Anyway, I was unsure what I would do with the frags, but I've pretty much decided I will either sell or trade them. If I sell them, I think probably $15 each is fair. If you are interested in trading, I'm not really looking for any particular coral, but really interested in something red, blue, or bright green. Looking for bright colors. Let me know if interested. I have a few pics, one of the mother and then 1 of each frag, you can see them here: