Torch coral unusual growths


New member
I've had the same Torch corall for many years. It has grown significantly and has always been beautiful. For the first time however, I am noticing these white little grey shapes on one of the sides. Please see pictures attached. Is it something I that I can just ignore? Feedback would be appreciated from experienced reefers. First post on reef central so I hope I am doing it correctly. Also, parameters are perfect.


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Your post was perfect. I’m not an LPS person, so I’ll have to let others comment. I think @kharmaguru knows Torches.
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I’m having a hard time seeing anything abnormal. Any chance of getting a white light pic?

That said, that growth pattern is definitely unique. Can’t say I’ve seen many torches with curled tentacles.

Also Welcome to RC!
Just curious, how long have the tentacles been curled up like that? IME abnormalities in polyp and tentacles shape in Euphyllia or Fimbriaphyllia is usually a sign of distress. Ive had hammers do this and stay " odd shaped" for longer periods the torches. Usually in torches I have seen this followed by infections. Have you recently lost or had any LPS disease/loses? Is the colony in the same location its been in for years?
Yeah, "curlicue" tentacles indicates somethings off. Pictures under white light would help too, all I see are shades of blue. Is there naything you changed in your maintenance, feeding or dosing the months before you noticed the change?