Torch coral wont open


New member
Hi! I got a torch coral about a month ago and it was doing terrific! Them one day it just closed and didnt open like it used to. I dipped the coral 2 times in the last two days. Please help!!!

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You're probably better off posting this in the LPS forums instead of the Coral Propagation forums. A lot of things could have done it, so when you post there make sure to say what your calcium, alkalinity, magnesium, and lighting are. If you don't have a way to measure calcium, alkalinity or magnesium then you'll need test kits before anyone can help you. In the meantime put it in the shade at the bottom of your tank.
You're probably better off posting this in the LPS forums instead of the Coral Propagation forums. A lot of things could have done it, so when you post there make sure to say what your calcium, alkalinity, magnesium, and lighting are. If you don't have a way to measure calcium, alkalinity or magnesium then you'll need test kits before anyone can help you. In the meantime put it in the shade at the bottom of your tank.

ok Thanks! I buy a test kit for ca,alk,mag soon

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