Trade time. Woohooooo!


New member
Howdy Buckaroos!

Len here, writing a small notice for Mike Sanchez the Supervisor of the Naturalist Center at the NM Museum of Natural History. Some of you may know that we got some starter specimens from Colorado to start up a bit of a reef exhibit at the museum. The little son of a guns have been thriving and we think it might be time to share some of the specimens with you guys by way of trade. We have some things that we think are a tad tough to get locally including 2 types of Xenia. One is extremely active (pulsing)and very muscular looking and looks awesome when they attach to the back glass and create a pulsing wall and the other is a very slim very active(pulsing) type with a nice reddish color. We have not seen these 2 types in town and they are very robust. We have some delicate but very tough Anthelia that are just gorgeous. We will have some other stuff later but you should check out the tank and talk to Mike. See you soon and happy horse trading.......Len Osborne
Oops! If you can't get a hold of Mike at the museum then just give me a shout here and I will put things together for you.

Thanks Len
You doing a softie only tank or a mixed tank? Are there multiple (new) tanks being setup at the museum? The only tank I ever saw was the one with the extremely active xenia. I always thought they should have had something more than just that.
Hi Kep,

We had to start somewhere and had limited resources. In that tank we now have 2 very active types of xenia that we have not seen in town. Anthelia which are pretty nice , star polyps and mushrooms. The thing about the tank to is that it has to be indicative of life forms that were present during the cretaceous period and we have to be careful about what we put in to keep the theme. We also have limited evidence right now of what we can keep in there.We always start out carefully because of funding and it takes a while to get donations and people to help that know what is going on with these tanks. We cobble together equipment and lights and things from all over and it gets to be a lengthy process. We would like to go to hard corals too but right now we have these and thats why we want to trade around a bit to see what else we can get. As we get more corals and funding we can increase the amount of tanks its just that it is a long slow crawl to do it. State funding, volunteers needed and blah,blah,blah, you know the gig.
I have a couple types of mushrooms that you could outright have. I have way too many.