Trained Aiptasia Killer?


New member
does our club have a trained aiptasia killer? I've heard that some filefishes, and butterflyfishes will go after aiptasia and some won't. If someone has such a beast I'm willing trade frags for rental.
With 17 years of reefing, I've tried just about every product out there, commercial and homemade... and I can honestly say that nothing eliminates Aiptasia entirely once they're in your system. You must work to keep on top of the problem regularly... you can keep them down significantly but they will come back if you aren't vigilant. I've found no difference in any of the commercial products. And peppermint shrimp couldn't be bothered. I haven't tried butterfly fish however, for fear of them nipping my coral. And filefish??? With those teeth? Fuggetaboutit.
Thanks for the advice guys.
Spent 2 hrs yesterday with AiptaisiaX and was so happy to find the ones I treated all dead an hour later.
Just keep a watchful eye out, especially at places where you killed them. Just like the ex-governor of California... they'll be back! Just hit 'em again when they return!
Mix pickling lime generously with a small amount of tank water to get the consistency of aptasia x. load up a syringe squirt em just like with the aptasia x. You will not notice a difference well, except for the color is white and the price is right.
+1 for AptaisiaX

I have used the pickling lime to control GSP, but not on Aptaisia. If it works I agree with Matt, it is cheap.


1. 1 tsp. pickling lime - food grade calcium hydroxide (I used Mrs. Fields from the grocery store)
2. 2 tbls. tap water.

boil water and lime in microwave for 40 sec.
keep closed plastic container in cool place.
You will need a syringe. This mixture comes out of the needle very thick. You do not need to inject the Aiptasia.
Just release a small amount on to the aiptasia and it will take it in. This mixture seems to stick to the anemone, but it does not stick to the other inverts. We also use this mixture on problem hair algae.

Good luck!
This afternoon I tried the kalk paste in a syringe method on an aptaisia that had taken up residence in one of my zoa colonies.
Success ! The zoa have reopened after about 3 hrs and no little glass friend poking out of the middle :)
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