"Treating" live rock


New member
I just bought a piece of LR from a LFS and was wondering if I can treat it with anything before I put it into my tank...to prevent any pest from entering my tank. I saw a few sundail snail and some red flat worm. Can I do anything to kill off any pests and keep the rock "live?"

Re: "Treating" live rock

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8321788#post8321788 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kewlworm
I just bought a piece of LR from a LFS and was wondering if I can treat it with anything before I put it into my tank...to prevent any pest from entering my tank. I saw a few sundail snail and some red flat worm. Can I do anything to kill off any pests and keep the rock "live?"


:eek2: Sundial snails and red flatworms?! Do a freshwater dip with flatworm exit and lugols solution. Then put it into a bucket for a few weeks to make sure everything dies off before it goes into the tank. Don't risk any of those pests getting into your tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8322314#post8322314 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
i wouldn't have brought rock with those things on it, i'd return it to the store.

Can I do that? :confused:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8323034#post8323034 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Just cure it in a dark container for a few weeks, place an aeriator and wait till everithing dies

Rogger, the pests will die off of hunger this way and the rock will still be live, correct?

Most bacteria need lights to live, with that in mind... pest as well as algaes as well need light in order to live.

Also, about the return of the LR. I would call them up and tell them and see what they can do about it. Just tell them you noticed all of these pests.
I would not place any live rock from anyone into my tank w/o curing it first no matter how cured the store claims the rock to be, you will not kill the benificial bacteria by curing the rock, in fact the more stuff the rock has that dies off in the curing process will elevate the bacteria colonies need it to become your natural filter.
There may be bacteria that needs light for survival but the one that the live rock uses for filtartion lives deep inside the rock and i am pretty sure will not be affected by darkness, the reason behind curing in the dark is to kill any algae, the amonia spike that the die off will cause will take care of most of the other critters, the lack of food will take care of the rest, 3 weeks to 1.5 month is a good time to cure the rock.
beneficial bacteria doesnt need light, algae does. When you keep rock in a container in the dark it is called cooking. Its a way to let the beneficial bacteria clean the rock by pushing out the dietris in the rock to prevent a phosphate problem later on. I only recommend a fresh water dip to corals since you arent putting those in the tank for beneficial bacteria but FW dipping live rock will kill the bacteria and will basically leave you with base rock. There are some dips like flatworm exit and what not that you can use to get any pests out but that should only be used once u have determined that u have this within the rock. Other than that, quarantining will also have anything come out after some time. Just have to keep an eye on it from time to time
This rock is going to the dark room. All I want is the rock to be live and pests free. Didn't want to pay 5 bux a lb for base rock. :)

Thanks guys!
a solid color rubbermaid container with a lid works fine, I usually just place it in the closet for a few weeks, don't forget to top off if you are aerating the water.
Also a good scrub before the curing process with a good heavy brush will help.