Triad NC Tropical Fish Society Event - Vendor spots open


New member
Finally found the right place to post this, so mods feel free to delete my other topic. :)

Hey all! I'm posting about a local event coming up on behalf of the Triad NC Tropical Fish Society. The Triad Tropical Fish Society is based in the Winston Salem, High Point, Greensboro North Carolina area. It is a new fish group with primarily freshwater enthusiasts but some salt!

We are ready to host our very first meeting for anyone and everyone to attend who love fish! Breeders, equipment hoarders, plant growers, are encouraged to message Cody Brown ( admin/owner of the group ) about becoming a vendor to set up to sell. Table rates are $10 per table to help cover the rental space cost, as well as help grow. 10% of proceeds from the silent auction will also be taken for the group, the silent auction can be added to by anyone who may not have enough to get a whole table but would still like to help out.

The list of sponsors is ever increasing and includes a few saltwater shops including:
  • Reef Architects, Greensboro
  • The Reef Farm, Raleigh
  • Upscale Aquatics, Huntersville

View the attached flyer & Check out the Facebook group ( and the event page for the most updated information.

Would love to see more saltwater folks!


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