Trying to get back into the hobby!

Joshua Tree

New member
I used to a user on this sight known as, me myself&I about three months ago but due to a move from Cleveland Ohio all the way out to Arizona I very unfortunately had to part with my fish, corals , tank and most of my equipment. Since I had to change my e-mail address, and I couldn't remember my password I wasn't able to reuse my old user name oh well, so now I'm Joshua Tree. Now to the point. I really miss the hobby in the worst way! I have a 39 gallon tank with 3 cichlids which I like but it is just not the same. I'm considering getting a nano tank of some size due to the fact that I'm in a crappy apartment and I HOPE to move into a house again in less then a year. I don't want to set up a big tank and have to tear it down so soon. I will keep you posted on my tank once I decide what size and livestock to get. I would like to start with a nano again and then transfer the contents into a larger tank once it's possible. I work for the airlines out here and I unload live rock and live fish all the time and it really just reminds me how much I miss the hobby and the best fish forum sight ever. Sorry for the book report but it has been a while.
Here is a picture of my tank just 2 days before I gave all the inhabitants away rock/fish. I'm reusing this tank for my cichlids now. I hope the picture works!
