Trying to save Nudibranchs


New member
Hey there,
I have just made a big mistake.
2 days ago after visiting an aquarium shop I have never been to, I came home with TWO Nudibranches, a Chromodoris Willani and a Hypselodoris Apolegma. The reason for that was: as I started the hobby, I tried to read a few informations of all different kinds of animals that live in the ocean, at least the ones that you are usually able to purchase or keep in an aquarium. I have read about nudibranchs as well and remembered that there were problems of keeping these (now I know that it is because of theire specific diet) I asked the owner of the shop if it was possible to keep these for a longer period of time (since I have just read like one or two articles a few months ago an couldn't remember them really well, I thought he could help me out) and he said, that it is indeed possible, I just have to keep my aquarium "dirty" at least a part of it, because the snails feed on algea and sponges that usually spread on stones and the glass tank itself. If I do not clean away all of this I should not have a problem.
And I believed him, silly me. Now I have these two very beautiful and cute guys in my tank and realize that they only eat specific kinds of sponges, even though the website of the reseller said, that all animals they sell are food-proof and there were for sure no sponges in the tank he kept it in....
Long story short, HOW CAN I TRY TO SAVE THEM?
I cannot just let them starve to death so I am trying to get as much help and ideas as possible
Thanks to all of you for your help
Welcome! The best bet would be to try to return them. Without a readily available food source, they will likely perish sooner versus later. I’m sorry I don’t have any other answer
Thanks for the answers. I also think that this is the only possibility I have, although I am pretty sure that the Nudibranchs won't survive longer at the reseller. I have also tried to ask them how the fed them and for how long they have been in theire tank before I took them home. I haven't gotten an answer til now but maybe they have some other information or (unlikely but maybe possible) can provide food for the snails that I am able to put in my aquarium.