Tunze nanos


New member
I just got 2 6045's and they are small and have have soooooooo much adjustiability as far as flow direction it is crazy. gona wait till after5 work and resist the urge to go home and install them right now, but will post picts of them next to my maxijets tonight.
I have the 6025 and it also "rips" I took it out of my 20L as it was to much. I put the Seio 600 back in. They are both supposed to be 600gph. The Tunze is at least 2 x the Seio!

Isn't nice how you can move, adjust and aim them!:lol: :D
Nano vs MaxiJet 1200


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9203027#post9203027 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
can we get an update chief

sure. I put them in the tank, plugged them in, and they work! lots of wide flow, and quiet.