Tunze question

never had any problems, I have 4 6200's on a multicontroller in 1 system, 2 6100's on a controller in another as well as 3 of there 2002's. Best investment I ever made.
Run... Don't walk... seek ye the Tunze Wavemaker.

I got one for xmas last year and absolutely love it. It keeps everything stirred up for the skimmer to rip out of the tank and my corals have really reacted well to the authentic ocean motion.
I have to chime in on the wavemaker , I have one in my 380 along with 2 6200's . I have the 2 6200's on one end and the wavemaker on the other. Talk about rocking ! I think that lighting was the first priorty on my tank, And the Tunze were behind only by a hair. And I mean a thin peachfuzz hair. There is nothing more important in my opinion. The lighting and this major flow have made more of a difference with my reef than everything else combined