Turbo Snails Suck!


In Memoriam
Rogger left my house about 2 hours ago, was helping me out with some stuff (thanks)... I had just moved the turbo snails from my display down to my refugium as they were knocking over some frags... After rogger leaves, I remember I left my cell phone on top of my stand... When I go downstairs, I hear my pump sucking air... "*** I just topped it off.." I am trying to find the problem by stepping in a puddle of water around my tank, getting electrocuted by the refugium light that was way to close to the water "Yes I am an idiot" and then when reaching for the turbos that are very clearly stuck in both drains that go to the sump I get electrocuted REALLY bad, basically to where I fall back and stunned... I then got ballsy enough to unplug everything - where I do get shocked for a third time and remove the turbos from the drain bulkheads, every single last turbo in my tank (around 6) and fed them to a grouper I am holding for a friend in another tank. Anyways in all end, I do get shocked 3 times, I have 15-20 gallons of water around the tank, removed the refugium light and turned everything back on OH and I also found out that my heater doesn't like me either so when I plugged him back in he shocked me too... thats a goner, have to get a new heater... Now I looked into my tank to make sure the livestock is ok, my new purple tang looks like its flipping out and I can't see any of my other fish... I am just hoping all my livestock is fine in the morning... Plus, I got to wake up at 9am this morning, can't even say tomorrow morning... What a damn day...

-Mike C.
human error! snails just do what snails do. you did however, make this human smile. revenge of the snails should have been the title. lol! just kidding around, have a shocking day. REEF-ON!!!
try drying your hands when unplugging, replugging in equipment :D

but ya, sounds like it just wasnt your day yesterday huh.
Sorry to hear but it is the funniest story of the year.LMAO!On a serious note if that shock hurt you imagine what it did to your poor fish. You may also want to add a GFCI outlet as it can keep you from getting electrocuted once it senses a surge.Also next time your tank is overflowing and you see water on the floor disconnect the electrical current from the circuit board first,it may just keep you alive and atleast safe from being shocked.
I have heard mixed reviews about the GFCI, I have the rod thing they have been selling in LFS, I have had it for about 3-4 months now and haven't installed it, mostly because I am no electrician and wouldn't even know where to start with the install.

Thing is, I didn't see it overflowing, I heard the gurgling (in the dark) and when I put my hand in the sump to check where the water was at I got electrocuted, and another time and another time and another time.... YAY!

-Mike C.
stray voltage is known to cause lateral line disease in fish.

your best bet is to install a GFI, wit the ground probe connected to it. If there is any stray voltage in the tank, it will be grounded and will trip the GFI.

the only downside, is you need to be around semi regular. if you have everything on 1 gfi(not recommended) if it trips, it can leave your whole tank without power.
i have read people going on a few day business trips, and come back with half there tank dead because there gfi tripped on them while they were away.

i jsut realized, i have those same zoos in your avater. they are my favorite zoos! i have only a 10 polyp frag though :(
Mike, next time this is the outfit I recommnend when you are arround the fish tank.
