TWO SPS Encrust touching


New member
Just curious, I have Two SPS coral encrust touching each other. The Joe the coral got burn by the Garf Bonsai. Would the Garf bonsai eventually cover up the Joe the coral. Should I cut the Joe the coral and move it to another location? Anyone experienced the same thing, would love to hear your experience. Thanks
I've seen it go both ways. I've seen it where two corals get close, or touch and fight a bit then kind of avoid each other. And I've seen corals completely railroad another coral.
You never really know what will happen unless you leave them to work it out. But doing that may cost you one of the corals.... Or, they may find a neutral zone..
To be safe, I would move one of them.
Large established colonies seem to work it out better than frags.. With small frags, there is often one nasty casualty..