Two-tank large setup


New member
I have been running a 110g reef for a year and I was planning on upgrading to a 200g+ tank. Instead, I decided to get a 92g corner and plumb them together, placed in either corner of my living room. The reason for this is that my gigas clam is outgrowing my 18" deep tank and the 92g corner is 34" deep. I am planning on having one sump, one skimmer, and one return pump. The plan is for a 30 or 40g breeder sump/refugium, with a 1000gph+ pump returning to both tanks via 1" pvc. Are there any problems with this type of system? The main thing I am concerned about is the fact that there is a lot of water in the line from the sump, which will be under one tank - 13 ft from the other tank, if the power goes out and drains into the sump.

Currently resealing the 92g tank I got used and making custom stand and hood. Will post pics soon.
