UM Aquarium Club Feedback Requested


New member
Hi so we post here somewhat infrequently but usually lurk threads and wanted to get some feedback about an idea we brought up at the end of our spring semester. A large portion of what we try to do as a club is teach our members about how to keep both reef and freshwater aquariums through informative meetings on basic aquarium topics. What was brought up was the idea of doing a club build where we start the year with a new tank and equipment and go through the process that we teach about equipment, cycling, when to add livestock, selecting livestock etc. The plan would be to have a smallish 10-30g or so aquarium and take it in whichever direction our members decide such as a softy tank, anemone heavy, locally collected or other plans. Now at the end of the year this would result in a tank that will have fish, coral, or whatever else is added during the year. Unfortunately it is not feasible long term to keep these tanks if we were to try to do something every year as it would end up taking up a lot of space pretty quick. Now this idea would largely rest on being able to have equipment donated by companies but before even getting to that step we want to plan on what to do with these tanks following a year of work. Every now and then we notice a thread pop up of a teacher or other person looking to setup an aquarium in an educational setting for their students. If we were to make this a reality our ideal situation would be to donate these tanks to a classroom or other educational setting to further benefit students with learning about marine life. Our main question for the fmas community before we go into contacting vendors is whether there would be enough demand that we would be able to pass on an aquarium to a member of the community at the end of our academic year. Hopefully this wasn't too long but we wanted to fully convey the intent behind this idea and our plans for how it might work.

Let's talk. My school is starting an Aquaculture program within our Marine Science Magnet and my principal wants a fish tank in every classroom.
I think this is a GREAT idea; FMAS would be happy to help!

We are often approached by schools who could benefit from this idea.

Please keep be sure to email me when you want to set this up