Umbellulifera sp care????

I'm thinking about adding a Umbellulifera sp to a mixed reef in a 34 G. sumpless cube.

What would you recommend for easiest way to feed without overpoluting a tank? What specificially would you recommend for food and how often?

Thank you in advance! --Doug
Make sure its actually a Umbellulifera and not a Dendronephthya (or another soft NPS). I can't say i have any personal experience with this coral but I looked it up on Marine Species and its a deep water coral and likely non-photosynthetic (not usually collected).

I have never been able to keep a Dendronepthya alive for much more than 8 months (well into decline at that stage).

I would try the following foods and see if you get a feed response from them: freshly hatched BBS (these are very large in relative terms), frozen and/or fresh rotifers (best bet), frieeze dried powder stuff like reefroids or freeze dried copepods and rotifers.

I would target feed with a feed stick.

Its a lot of work and unless the coral is spectacular visually and a good size - I am not sure I would recommend it.
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