Unknown critter (aiptasia?) discovered...


New member
I just noticed this little group of guys on the underside of my new live rock. Is it aiptasia? With dial-up, it's taking me forever to search threads and compare pictures.


I injected mine with pure lemon juice squeezed straight from the lemon and it worked instantly. There were no ill effects on anything in the tank and it was very cheap too!
I used a syringe that I got from my dentist. Instead of a needle it tapers to a very narrow point. It's called a monoject I think.....used for flushing out the gums after getting teeth pulled. I used to work in a pet store and we had them there and they were used for feeding baby birds. The pointed tip makes it easy to inject right into the mouth of the aptaisia. A baster would be way too big to assure a direct hit. It took about 6 cc of juice tops to get rid of it.

Warning they are fast so be ready. They retreat very quickly if they sense danger so if you miss the first time.....good luck getting a second chance. I even injected juice into the hole that it was in just to make sure I didn't leave ANY remnant from it as they will regenerate and spread. Good Luck.
I can use one of my salifert injectors. They are really narrow. I'll just have to clean it well when I'm done.

Thanks again!
I've always just used a thick Kalk solution injected with a syringe to kill aiptasia and stray palythoas. Most feed and tack stores will have syringes for sale for $1-2. Just don't bother trying to explain to them that you're using it to kill anemones...
I injected my aptasia using a hyperdermic needle with boiling RO water. It cooked the aptasias instantly, and was free and readily available. (I'm sure Joe's juice or kalk paste works great too, but I wasn't going to order some just for 3 aptasia) :)