Upgrading/Moving tank help


Registered Reefer
I will be moving from North Miami Beach to Miami in the upcoming few weeks. I have decided to set up a shallow reef, which I have been wanting to do for so long.
I currently have a DB 57g mixed reef. (36x18x20)
My new tank will be the DB 60G rimless Frag. (48x24x12)
I will be using all of the same equipment. (Skimmer, heater, apex, refugium, sump, etc.)

I have a few questions that go along with this, mostly about the cycle.

- I may not use some of the LR I currently have since they are big pieces, but want to get new rock to make small islands and what not. Should I go with Dry Rock or purchase Live Rock from a LFS?

- After reading multiple threads, majority rule to go with NEW sand and seed it with a cup or two of old sand. What sand is best? (Live sand or dry sand)

- How much new water should I use? (I've read about 50% should be fine)
--- It is tough to haul 25 gallons of water.. but if need be, I can do it.

My main question is, will there be a new cycle? What is the best way to prevent a cycle?
I plan on having the new tank setup next week and can begin the move from there.

Thanks everyone.

PS - The 57g will be for sale after the move(hopefully next weekend) for anyone interested, PM me or text me at 4oh7-7one9-3six55. (Tank and Stand only)
I Just moved 2 tanks last week. 1 28g JBJ nano and a 30g DB. And didn't lose anything yet. I removed all the live stock into buckets. Left a very thin layer of water just enough to barely cover the sand. Then loaded the tanks in my truck. Got to the new place set it all back up but first put 10g of fresh nsw. Then filled up the rest with old water and haven't lost anything as of a little over a week. Oh and I also changed the carbon and filter floss every 2 days.
Dreams are ruined! The supplier doesn't have these in stock at the moment! I wanted to upgrade before I move.. If not, I guess I'll be holding on to this tank for now.
Anybody have any suggestions for another tank? Looking for something around 50-60 gallons.