Upgrading tank


New member
So I have a chance to upgrade my nano tank that is about 10 months old now. To a slightly larger tank, at an affordable cost with a sump! (yay! no more HoB filters/skimmer). My current nano tank has a deep sand bed. I have been reading all day about "moving an established sand bed", and I have a pretty good idea that if I use my sand in the new tank without cleaning it first, I will recycle the tank. So If I were to use the new tank, instead of keeping my old one going, Can I do bare bottom, while I clean my old sand? And would I be able to put the sand back in after rinsing it?

I would not be able to have both up and running to have the new one cycle first, before moving all my rock,coral, and fish. It's one or the other.

P.S. Going from a 20 gallon tall to a 30 gallon, with a 20 long sump. Worst case. I just put the sump on my current setup, and not use the 30 gallon.
Leaving the 20g alone & adding a 20g sump would be much easier less stress on system. For me it don't seem to be worth the hassle for 10g increase. I wouldn't think 10 month old sand would be that dirty. It will really help by cleaning the sand bed thoroughly & blowing out rocks with turkey baster. Doing those a few days before the move will make it go smoother.
After sleeping on it. I probably won't upgrade the tank. But still add the sump. This tank is only going to be up and running for about another year. Then I'm planning on a 120 gallon. (Gotta pay off car first) lol
However I do lightly blast the sand and rocks now when I do my weekly water changes. Thanks for the info. It seemed like a good idea last night hahaha
I agree with your new plan. I upgraded from a 12gl to a 36gl and I reused the sand. The final outcome was good, but I did struggle a lot in the process. Better wait until you are ready to go to the 120.

Boy, I sure wish I could do a 120 myself, but I spend too much time and money on the 36 and the 29 frag tank as it is. Good luck!!
Something simple as a sandbed being cleaned can cause a heavy swing in a tanks balance. The beneficial bacteria that keeps it stable lives in live rock, sand beds or supported through filters. A reason why most tanks have 1.5 - 2 lbs of live rock per gallon. Adding rocks or rubble into sumps increases the BB. The smaller systems have very little room for error & can cause drastic changes. Are you adding your hob filter to the sump or are you doing a diff process for mechanical filtration?
Something simple as a sandbed being cleaned can cause a heavy swing in a tanks balance. The beneficial bacteria that keeps it stable lives in live rock, sand beds or supported through filters. A reason why most tanks have 1.5 - 2 lbs of live rock per gallon. Adding rocks or rubble into sumps increases the BB. The smaller systems have very little room for error & can cause drastic changes. Are you adding your hob filter to the sump or are you doing a diff process for mechanical filtration?

I am making a sump with refugium. I'll use a filter sock as well. I have a HOB refugium now that has mud, rubble rock and cheto. And has a TON of pods. So I'll be using that in my sump when I build it. (I will not use the old mud btw lol)