Urgent Help!!!!


Premium Member
I have no idea what happened! I come home to my 38g tank a huge cloud of water. the water in my sump is also cloudy as can be. Im talkin I cant see the rock in the center of the tank. The tank also STINKS! Only thing I can think of is something happened to my anenome. He hasnt taken any food the past few days...and I know that when they die that they stink real bad.

any thoughts? how do I clear up my water?
im finding chunks of somehting in my tank. something isnt right in here.
i think the anenome is dead. wife said that it didnt look good this morning.
Thanks. I just did a 50% water change. Im 99% sure that the anenome got shredded today.

What caused it, I changed the water flow in the tank. One of the suctions for the powerhead came undone, then I fixed it which changed the water flow a little, and the anenome decided to take a little stroll through the tank, and well....R.I.P. (it also wasnt eating either)
i just set my canister filter back up with a new sock, and I added gravel in the place of carbon. -its running wide open. hopefully that helps. its 1230 in the middle of the night here, I plan on getting carbon in the morning. I htink that carbon will be good once I can see the water and remove the anenome. Right now, I still cant see the middle of the tank. I also have my small bio wheel running.

I used to run the tank 50% on the canister filter set at half way, and it did a nice job keeping things clean.

those 2 together...thats alot of filtration, so hopefully it will clear up by morning time. -when its time for another water change.
In a tank as small as yours, empty the entire system.

Place the rock in buckets. Scrub your rock clean.

Place your livetock in different buckets.

Clean entire inside of your tank with white vinegar, sponge and rubber gloves.

Refill tank with RO, salt, bring up salinity and temp overnight.

Add rock and livestock back to system after 24 hours.

My honest opinion is that you will have so much waste matter remaining in your system, you will be battling nutrients for months to come.

Take it or leave it.
Thats serious pitstop. I'm not sure I would go that far. I think I would stick with the water changes for a couple more days before I got that drastic. JMO
Appreciated, I like the 'reset' approach....but I also have access to large amounts of RO/DI and Tropic Marin salt...
I thought about doing the same thing. just starting completly over. I just got up and its still very cloudy. now as bad as last night, but still very murky. Another water change, and we will see what happens.

im half tempted to do what pitstop said. in fact I mentioned it to my wife last night.
vest0830, can't tell you what to do but wish you the best.

Since you are in Okinawa, just wondering I saw a movie called "Okinawa's Coral Reefs" I think it was an IMAX movie too, simply breadth-taking. Are they really so beautiful? I also heard all the things about reef destruction there is it true?

Sorry about the distraction, good luck.
within 24 hours, ive done 100% water change. 2, 50% water changes.

I am also about to start running the sump again, and I am going to get some carbon in the flow as well.

I can finally see the back of the tank again. I feel like things are getting better. Just goes to show that after countless hours of work, it can all be gone in a matter of 10 hours away from the tank.