Used glass aquarium questions???


New member
I am going to look at a used 300-gallon fresh water glass aquarium tomorrow. It's supposed to be about 5 years old. How long do good glass aquariums last? Also is there anything that I should be concerned with. It is running so I will see if it is leaking. Also what is the average price for a used 300. Thanks for the help.
well you can get the tank for 600 to 1000 depending on what you want on it but if it was a freshwater tank it may not be drilled so I wouldn't pay much over 3-400 for it because if you drill it and break the glass then you are out everything and you can order a tank drilled. were you will have to see any value will actually be in any stand and hood they may have.

I know from experience the person selling it may have paid thousands for it from a store and thinks it is worth over a thousand so be ware.

BTW I gave $1000 for my 240 that was not drilled with a nice wood stand, cal reactor, 2 400w lights, big skimmer and lots of extras
This would be tank, stand and canopy. 2 Littlegiant 3mdqsc pumps and 2 Oceanclear canister filters with 2 extra filters. He wants 1000 for everything. I am not sure about the lighting.
to me that sounds like a good price, all you need is a good lighting system, a chiller a calcium reactor and youre done
Inquire how many owners it has had. A tank will last if the seams have not been stressed with moving (especially moving w/ weight in it) and uneven placement. The more owners, the more likely the seams have been stressed. I would not purchase a tank that big w/ more than one owner.