Using Strobes to photograph


New member
I'm a professional photographer (and a starting reefer) and was going to put together a series of images of mature reef tanks. I was going to shoot in a darkened room and position my strobe units above the tank.

Has anyone had any experience with the "flashes" from the strobes tramautizing or even killing the fish? (strobes are just more powerful flashes).

I had assumed not but wasn't sure.

Flashes won't kill anything- have no fear of that. The worst that will happen health-wise is clams will momentarily close and I suppose an already weakened clam could close up for an extended period. I've used a flash on approximately 8 million fish pictures and not had any issues :p
There is another downside to using flashes though- certain corals will lose their natural colors when they get hit with a flash. Almost all acroporas turn an unpleasant brownish color. Many zooanthids loose/change color (especially pinks it seems). Some mushrooms look better without a flash too- you'll just have to experiment and see how it goes. Perhaps the top-lighting will minimize the color issue.
Hope this helps,