Hi I have question. How big are Utter chaos palys?
What is real color of this palys I can not find real color of them on the web can you post same pictures in normal aquarium condition please
it might differ depending on your tank conditions. i've seen some polyps get really huge in one tank and much smaller in another. it's the same coral from the same mother colony, just different tank conditions.
These are the "same" colony of polyps, but as was said above, 1+ on different looks with different conditions. Newer polyps are smaller and the mature ones can be a decent size, but lighting, skimmers, nutrients... all play a part in what you get. I skim 24/7, as I have SPS and anemones. I would imagine size and look would be different with more nutrients and less skimming. One persons pictured polyp maybe another persons dream (rather than a reality in their tank and I am not really talking about hugely over saturated pictures, but an honest attempt to show what they look like).
Hope it helps, but maybe I should just have said you can't get a clear answer, only anecdotal stuff about "my tank and lighting" and experience.:headwallblue:
These are my utter chaos... Taken with my cell (andriod incredible) With a ushio 14 k metal halide and 96 watt actinic pc. Yes they are a size of a dime. Babys are takin awhile to grow and color up though.
I have mine 24" from two 120wLEDs and a couple of t5. Mine are closer to nickel size and have more black, but as stated earlier, I'm sure the differences are due totank conditions.
Well i have seen many different patterns and colors of "utter chaos" I think it depends of what lighting your using and if you feed or dont feed your zoas. I feed my zoas and palys either frozen rotifers, marine snow, baby brine shrimp and i also Vitamic C dose on a daily basis and dose amino acids when i remember...LOL I love my zoas
What happened to yours redxIII? Did it melt or something eat it. I really like the pattern of yours. And yes Sir Patrick, They are a very nice size. A lil bigger than the AOG's
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