UV light pics


Don't ask me, I'm wrong.
okay for any of you that had been following along i borrowed my a uv light from my dads work and tried some shots out to see if I could get anything like Night sea. I did get some results. but not quite like what i have seen from the right gear.

I am going to play around with it abit more tonight and see what I come up with!



Interesting look, Lucas. I wonder if that is the equiv of the flashlight we're using and since you don't have the filter you're getting just the excitation and not the effect after the barrier? I think that's more what it looks like when I don't have the goggles on and am just using the flashlight.
I think your onto something there phyl, do you know what kind of filter it is? I know it's a barrier filter, but what is it a barrier of exactly. it has to black something out to only let through the excited fluorescents.

I have a theory that it is a yellow barrier, similar to those old blu-blocker sunglasses that had the yellow filters in them to block out blue uv light.

my other question is there more than one filter you have to use on the lens or only the exciter for the flash (if used) and the barrier.

oh and is the barrier filter yellow? could someone take a picture of it. while holding it up against a mild light source.
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