Valentini puffer with a pair of clowns?


I have a 30gal tank with a pair of true perc clowns with rbta. Would it be safe to add a valentini pufferfish? I currently have no corals and no invertebrates. Thanks in advance.
I had a valentini w/ 4 percs. They got along great. The Valentini's are so darn cute. I love them! No idea about the rbta...I didn't have one for my percs.
I'm pretty sure the clowns would get along with a valentini but I'm really concerned about the rbta. Wouldn't a valentini try to nip at rbta and kill it?
Petstorejunkie: Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
that is what i thought, just wanted to make sure, everyone comes up with crazy acronyms on this site. there is a possibility that the toby would go after the anemone since they are such curious little critters, and it would be a 50/50 chance as to whether or not he would develop a taste for it or not, but the clowns should do a good job of kicking some a$s if the toby comes too close.
i took a puffer in before i converted my reef to f/o expecting to pass it on in a few days. A friends of mine was closing up his tank. Didn't nip my corals or my rose bulb. I have a tomato clown though who has been known to defend it. Anyways, i converted it into a fowlr and the one rb and for over a year they are still fine.
After debating for days, I'm gonna go ahead and put in the anemone. I will keep the valentini well fed so hopfully rbta is ok. I'll post some pics in a couple of months. Thanks all for the info.
I have a v.puffer and 2 percula clowns plus I have a bubble tip anemonie . The clowns want nothing to do with the bta and the puffer could careless about the bta or the clowns. The puffer does however like to nip at my zoo's.
