New member
Hey all,
I'll plan to post updates on my 29G biocube here. I'll be posting a video to Youtube tomorrow so hopefully I can link it before I go to bed before tomorrow night.
Anyways, my current system is a Sixline Wrasse, Azure Damsel, and a Black Blenny. I'm glad they all get along.
As far as corals: various zoanthids, blue sympodium which is my favorite, some shrooms, and a gorgonian.
Inverts: some astrea snails, maybe one trochus snail, a nassarius snail, about 4/5 zebra hermits, 1 dwarf blue-leg hermit, and a hitchhiker crab that I think belongs in the Xanthid group.
Lighting: I just gutted the default stuff and have upgraded to a current LED strip. I like it so far, I'll be making a review video for youtube in a couple weeks.
Filtration: primarily biological with a "cryptic" zone in the first chamber, and a refugium/scrubber in the second chamber. I siphon the sand when I do my monthly water changes and have a filter pad only then.
I'll plan to post updates on my 29G biocube here. I'll be posting a video to Youtube tomorrow so hopefully I can link it before I go to bed before tomorrow night.
Anyways, my current system is a Sixline Wrasse, Azure Damsel, and a Black Blenny. I'm glad they all get along.
As far as corals: various zoanthids, blue sympodium which is my favorite, some shrooms, and a gorgonian.
Inverts: some astrea snails, maybe one trochus snail, a nassarius snail, about 4/5 zebra hermits, 1 dwarf blue-leg hermit, and a hitchhiker crab that I think belongs in the Xanthid group.
Lighting: I just gutted the default stuff and have upgraded to a current LED strip. I like it so far, I'll be making a review video for youtube in a couple weeks.
Filtration: primarily biological with a "cryptic" zone in the first chamber, and a refugium/scrubber in the second chamber. I siphon the sand when I do my monthly water changes and have a filter pad only then.