Virginia Beach Warning


New member
Virginia Beach Issues Warning
May 17, 2012 -- 7:24am
The town of Virginia Beach is prohibiting swimming in some sections of the Chesapeake Bay.

The Virginia Beach Health Department is issuing a swimming and wading warning to avoid the area between Wake Forest Street and Rockbridge Road due to high levels of bacteria.

The warning does not affect the ocean front or resort area.

Health officials will continue testing the water in those areas until they meet health standard regulations.
1. What does that post have to do with reefing?
2. We had over 3" of rain in a very short period of time which causes a lot of storm water runoff. I agree that is a problem that metro areas everywhere need to work on
3. Virginia Beach consistently is rated as having some of the cleanest surf on the East Coast
4. Clean the Bay Day is on June 2nd. Here is the link so you can sign up :)
Your post has literally nothing to do with "Responsible Reefkeeping" as this forum is titled. I think besides that, the public service announcement is appreciated.