vodka and cycling


New member
Hello all
I have a 240 that is slap full of aptasia's. I have tried the peppermint shrimp and CB with no results and injecting them with something is not an option because half of them are in places I can't get to. I am in the middle of removing the rock while trying to keep the corals happy. What I plan on doing is bleaching the rock, or pressure washing it to remove all the aptasia's and soft corals (mushrooms, zenia,anthelia.....) that have started to grow out of control. What my ? is, I'm sure there will be some die off when I do this. So can I use vodka in the tank with the live rock to help speed up the cycle, and recolonize the live rock with bacteria. Any thoughts
IMHO yes,... to a point. FWIR Vodka is more effectave on some kinds of bacteria then others, and if you force one to multiply at a very rapid rate then you are depriving another type that is not capable of this of food in the form of phospate an nitrate and other traces they need, you may end up with alot of some bacteria, and none/less of other kinds.

Is this a problem? Will this really happen? I don't know.

That is why I did not say anything before, I really have nothing to add, other for something else for you to think about.

CBB look at your picture, are ad. get bigger PS They want eat the big ones. KWPASTE inject them . If this dont work Whats next????? I would like to know my self
The CB in my avitar is no longer with us. He was the best CB you could get. Totally wiped out the aptasia's in a week. He ate them all big or small. My current CB has not shown ant interest at all, not even the small ones.
What's the issue the aiptasia or the rocks? The peppermints will work but you need lots of them and it will take some time...months. For 240 gallon tank you'll need more than 20 peppermints. The aiptasia will slowly disappear...but it'll probably be a year for a 240 gallon tank.
I used 30 peppermints in my 90 and they cleaned them up in a week. Then I found out that my CB was eating them, just not as fast as they could grow. :)

I would strongly suggest more peppermints before you try powerwashing your rock. The cost of peppermints can be minimal if you lose a few colonies.

Have you considered berghia nudis?
Also, you can squirt the large aips with kalk paste. I squirt them out of a salifert test kit syringe. They might send off some babies before they die, but the babies are much easier for the peps to clean up than the large adults. Kill all of them that you can see this way over a few days and see if the peps can keep them under control.