volitan has lost both antennea is this harmful wll they grow back?

For help, please answer the following questions.

1. Do you have any other fish in the tank? If so, list the types.
2. Are there any battle wounds on the lion fish?
Most lose them as they get larger. So it should be normal, unless you're noticing damage on other fins, and a trigger or angel in there with him.

No other damage to any of the other fins, i was just feeling bad for the guy he is one of my favorites with really great deep colorations, he has great spunky personality too, i built him a ledge where he like to hang upside down in the day time , when he sees me he races up to the tank, i feel bad but only feed him 3 times a week sometimes 4 only till his belly is slightly rounded and use small pieces of food for him, its tempting, but for his best over all health, the only live he ever gets are live ghost shrimp but very rarely and i take time to stuff them in advance with rich spiralina flake food for added nutrients for him, the FS had him spoiled on him on big nasty dirty feeder goldfish, I asked the owner to feed him which he did but he didnt need to do it with three huge feeder goldfish which my lion inhaled in a matter of 30 seconds until his stomach looked like it wasd going to explode the owner thought it was funny which i didnt, one would have sufficed,which it took me weeks to wean him from, glad I got him out of there as he would have been doing substantial damage to his health continuing in this course of feeding. I also soak his food and both zoe marine and selcon. He is awseome!!!! Anyways I do have a few nippers in my predatory tank entailing a porcupine puffer and huma trigger which i monitor closely , plain and simple if they get overly frisky on my lions fins they will be out of there yesterday, i keep both of them well fed as to alleviate any potential problem, not that this alone will or could cure one arising. my puffer and lion battle for food sometimes especially shrimp whereas my lionfish grabs it heads to the corner flipping around pointing his venomous spines at the puffer daring him to try and steal the food, and once my puffer blew himself up im front of my lionfish trying to intimidate him, but I do my best to avoid these fights, though sometimes it gets crazy with a huma trigger, panther grouper hifin snapper, snowflake moray, green bird wrasse, all battling it out for food chunks, even my yellow tang occasional gets into the mix whipping his razors on his tail tail around , so could definately inflict some serious damage if he wanted to for sure. One other thing I do for my lionfish is not expose him to too much light as i know it casue them to prematurley go blind which i read about often in these posts, well i feel better knowing him losing his antennea arent gonna harm him or cause him any ill future affects, the one thing i do see that worries me is him darting sometimes real fast, i have a maginfying glass which i use to inspect his gills which seem nice health and pink and skin seems to be healthy also along with crystal clear healthy eyes, i hear horrer stories about velvet,ich and gill flukes so am on constant alert ready to get him into quarantine if need be, i jhave a uv steralizer and great skimmer, plus a wet dry that could be used to up to a 225 sized tank, plus i have a canister ont eh back pumping another 220 gallons per hours adding addition water circulation and biological filatration , i have it filled with amatrix medium, i am constanyl changing the directions of my out takes of my filters as to make different current flows for my fish to play and and get plenty of exercise, also ensuring any dead spots are being covered. I am currently quarantining a new spotted goatfish whom will assist in clean up duties which will be great with messy eaters like eels puffers and triggers, it had gotten so bad i was doing vacuuming after every heavy feeding, so this will be the last fish i add , i was hesistant as fist with the philosphy always add one less fish but he will earn his keep and be a more postive to negative addition, i realize as these predators get bigger a few will likely need to be removed ie puffer and panther, potentially the trigger if he gets to nippy. Well thats it please feel free to comment or assist me in any way as i am all ears and not afraid on constructive critisism if it helps my guys stay healthy and happy, i always try to put myself in their shoes being in an enclosed limited aquarium space wanting them to be happy and healthy as possible i take it as a great responsibility , to me i am essentially their God for the most part. I have a back up[ air pump but am considering build an actual back up generator system if i had a long term power outage, as i heard that even if you aerate the water during outage the water in the sump can become totally toxic and kill all of ones fish so i am researching this and want to start asap as i have a $300 giftcard from home depot to put to work, also am considering adding a reverse osmosis water treatement system to help with slimy algea blooms that are becoming more problematic for me, i dont mind the nice green as for me tang to graze on but hate the slimy black red and brown as they are sucking nutrient from nice green i barely have, one member said he growns and cultivates nice green algea in his sump which i may try, well wow i really like this hobby you could say i am addicted for sure !!!!! thanks again , keep up the great fishkeeping everyone!!!!!!!!
Be careful with that picasso. Rhinecanthus triggers are especially adept at destroying lionfish, even after they've been in the tank together for a while.
