Want to be SCUBA diver from Kansas...


New member
I have lived in Kansas all my life and to this day I have never been to the Ocean, yet I have great interest in it. We are going on a trip to Florida this summer and I would love to SCUBA. There are some place that offer training here in Kansas, so I'm thinking about getting certified for this trip and future trips. Is it worth getting SCUBA certified just to use it for trips?
Well the good thing about it is you don't have to renew the license every couple of years so once you've got one it's there for life. As far as diving goes the more you practice the better you become and when you're away from the water you kinda lose the skill and you might lose the basics you spent days learning. If you have never been to the ocean before then perhaps you should visit it first and become comfortable with it so you do not panic when you dive into the deep for the first time, it can be overwhelming and I have heard stories about first time divers that took pool diving courses that panicked when they hit the real thing.

Scuba is not confined to salt water, you can dive fresh water too but there isn't much to see because the water is not clear but that depends on the water source in your area but it will give you a clear idea about the process.

If you want to try diving there is an intro dive available at most dive centers which is just a trial dive, you don't need a license for that but I believe a diving instructor will be holding on to you from above or something of the sort.
Well the good thing about it is you don't have to renew the license every couple of years so once you've got one it's there for life. As far as diving goes the more you practice the better you become and when you're away from the water you kinda lose the skill and you might lose the basics you spent days learning. If you have never been to the ocean before then perhaps you should visit it first and become comfortable with it so you do not panic when you dive into the deep for the first time, it can be overwhelming and I have heard stories about first time divers that took pool diving courses that panicked when they hit the real thing.

Scuba is not confined to salt water, you can dive fresh water too but there isn't much to see because the water is not clear but that depends on the water source in your area but it will give you a clear idea about the process.

If you want to try diving there is an intro dive available at most dive centers which is just a trial dive, you don't need a license for that but I believe a diving instructor will be holding on to you from above or something of the sort.
Thanks for the information Mounda. There are many lakes in my area, some that have surprisingly clean water. My family owns a boat as well. I also hope one day to be close to the Ocean so I think getting certified now would be worth it.
If you enjoy your salt water tank you will definitely enjoy scuba ! The thought of diving with sea turtles, manta rays, barracudas and all those wonderful fish you see in tanks but in their actual habitat living their normal life is just breath taking.
There is a man down my way that does certs if your are interested.

Are there any good dive centers in Wichita?
The closest I know of is in KC.