Want To Buy RBTA


New member
Hello everyone i recently lost my rbta in a move and i im looking for a new one for my clowns that are currently homeless. If anyone has one please let me know by pm or post thank you all
Greetings, Jorge, and welcome (back?) to south Florida.
There are several members who have tank-raised RBTAs that are hardy. I'm sure you'll find one.
Both of mine are overdue for a split. There are probably 4-5 locals with children of my RBTAs, surely somebody has an extra?

Got RBTAs?
My descendant of Jeff's has split twice already. I'm removing the rock they are on tomorrow to get at least one off for another member. I'm seriously considering removing both simply because they like the top my tank and I'm about to seed it with SPS frags. I don't really need one to decide to start walking over the top of my SPS. My false percs don't host in either of the ones I have now anyway. They are beautiful creatures and I hate to part with both of them especially since they are a $$$ maker. I'm still on the fence on this one but I'll let you know tomorrow if I decided to remove both.

Aren't you afraid of yours harming your coral Jeff?
My child of Jeff's hasn't split, but it's grown considerably. It hasn't budged since the day I introduced it, maybe because the clown feeds it every day. I'm surprised none of my fish has stumbled into it. The clown in the pic is about 3.5 in

I think it may have gobbled up a beautiful pink soft coral Carlos (invertigator) gave me though (shhhh, I haven't told him yet). Is that possible? The softie broke loose from a piece of rock I glued it to, and it was in the vicinity of the RBTA. Now it's nowhere to be found. :confused:
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Ok ill keep waiting to see who post and has one or if you decide "coralfragger101". also as for of them harming my corals i have never had and issue with them and corals . Mine was in my biocube and was about 6in wide. I would like one since my female clown is a big fan of them. Although the male died in the move i just bought her a little companion and im sure she would appreciate a home
i might have one...if i can find it. my anemone split like 3 days ago but i think one half went down into the rockwork. if i find it i will let you know.
Pedro, Let me know if the coral re-surfaces. Work really gets in the way of my personal life. I'll re-post when mine splits again.
I currently have 1 small clone that still needs to heal some(is currently in fuge/frag tank)& 1 larger clone that is still deep in the rocks.The mother anemone split into 3,so I'll be looking to get rid of 2,as soon as they're healthy.This RBTA was from Washington state originally.I also have one of Jeff's clones (anemone that is),but it just seems quite happy to keep growing.Seeing as you already have clowns,you'll probably need the larger clone.If I can get it from under the ledge in the next day or two,I will let you know-I'm sure it will need a few more days to heal.HTH
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11578867#post11578867 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invertigator
[B Work really gets in the way of my personal life. [/B]

You still work? Sure.....lol
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11577539#post11577539 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
Aren't you afraid of yours harming your coral Jeff?

Not particularly worried. Mine have hardly moved in the 2 years they've been established. Sometimes after a split one of them will start to move....that's the one I pluck out and find a new home for. :D

The only issue I've ever had is that a growing RBTA might start to encroach on a nearby sps. Since my colonies are pegged to the rockwork, I simply move them around if need be. I had a pink millie that was getting stung by the RBTA, and lost some tissue at the contact point (along the underside of the coral). I moved to another spot and it is recovering just fine. I also had a piece of red monti cap that grew together with the other RBTA. After a few weeks, it finally lost some tissue at the edge where they were touching. No biggie, I just fragged it back.
I removed the rock that mine were on and was only able to remove the baby. The mother has her entire foot down deep in a hole. There is no way I was going to be able to get her out.

So I guess I don't have an extra at the moment. The baby is already spoken for.

212Jay - WHERE ARE YOU??????
Hey Carlos everything is doing great. I cant thank you enough for what you did. The other clown i bought for my female is doing great with her, so i don't think she is missing her old companion, since he kicked the bucket. You know you got dibs on my new frags i'm getting next month. Also let me know if you found that overflow and how much you want for it. Thanks again
Managed to get the larger clone from the main tank.It is now also in my fuge/frag tank.If you still need a RBTA LMK.I should be going to the meeting Tuesday,if you want it.Thanks,Darcy