Water change or not


Active member
Morning guys

I want opinions on whether to do a 20% water change

Params are
Temp 25.5
Salinity 1.026
Orp 182
Ph 8.3
Magnesium 1500
Calcium 590
Kh 10
Phosphate 0.01
Nitrate 12
Morning guys

I want opinions on whether to do a 20% water change

Params are
Temp 25.5
Salinity 1.026
Orp 182
Ph 8.3
Magnesium 1500
Calcium 590
Kh 10
Phosphate 0.01
Nitrate 12
When was your last (or would this be your first, I can't remember) water change. As I mentioned in someone else's thread...I have a 50 gallon, 10 gallon sump and 5 gallon refugium. I only do a 5 gallon water change about every two weeks or if something is off.
Last change was about 3 weeks ago , my volume is 525ltr so I’d need at least a 20% change to lower calc mag and kh enough to make an impact
Refresh my memory. Have you tested a newly mixed batch of saltwater to make sure your salt mix isn't high in Ca and Mg? If so, I don't see an issue with doing a 20% change now if you're wanting to lower those two parameters.
yes and also tested against the lfs , the high calc is my fault for doing the calc test wrong and dosing it
Mag I just don’t know, probably a testing error
Everything’s all most happy apart from my bta is a little withdrawn
Morning guys

I want opinions on whether to do a 20% water change

Params are
Temp 25.5
Salinity 1.026
Orp 182
Ph 8.3
Magnesium 1500
Calcium 590
Kh 10
Phosphate 0.01
Nitrate 12

How is your tank looking and what are your goals with performing a water change? If it is just to lower the Cal and Mag and things look normal, then I say just leave the system alone and don't dose any Cal/ Mag, and it should come down on it's own. It could take a little while, though. If it is just a normal maintenance WC or to remove nutrients, chemicals, etc then I say change away.