Water fragging


New member
I've got a good sized colony of whammin watermelons that has spread from the rock it's on to two adjacent rocks. Problem is I have a large ponape birdsnest on one and a large brain coral on the other and would hate to risk either. I'm going to frag the zoas to solve that problem, but have heard horror stories about palytoxins.

Would it be better to just frag them in the display tank?
don't worry to much about the toxins. usually the ones you have to worry about are the palys. if you are still concerned wear some glasses when fragging and dont open your mouth.
If you frag them outside your tank make sure you cut the polyps with the mouth of the polyps facing away from you. This way if they decide to spit it wont hit you
I havent been affected yet so I think I'm all good but it seems like most people have trouble when fragging out of the water. I may just use a shallow Tupperware to avoid the squirting