Water Testing New Plumbing?


Premium Member
A question for you all with sumps and displays on different floors. Once all the plumbing is set, can you start filling the sump with RO/DI water and then pump up to the display to start testing all the plumbing and then once everything checks out, start adding salt to the system? My basement sump is a 100 gallon rubbermaid so there is a decent amount of capacity there.

I just ran a garden hose with city water to test everything, no sense wasting RO water (expensive!), odds are you have a leak or two or three, so use city water. :)
Agree! Just use tap water to to fill the system for the first time. Not only does it allow you to fill the tank very quickly for leak testing, but it helps clean everything out. There are usually some PVC shavings and other dirt and debris in there after putting the system together.