<a href=http://www.reef-rescue.org/MiamiHerald/SouthFloridasewagepipescauseastink.htm target=_blank>Originally printed in part at reef-rescue.org from an original story in the Miami Herald</a>
State environmental regulators want to plug six pipes that pump some half-billion gallons a day of ''minimally treated'' sewage into the ocean off Southeast Florida, saying the longtime practice wastes precious water and is likely damaging reefs and marine life.
But Miami-Dade and Broward counties are balking, citing a price tag in the billions for new wastewater recycling systems that could boost typical household water bills by $20 or more a month.
''It is not in the public interest to spend a significant amount of money to eliminate the discharges when we do not have the answer as to what is really causing the impact to reefs,'' says part of a presentation Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez planned to deliver to Gov. Charlie Crist on Wednesday.
The meeting was rescheduled for next week, but two Broward mayors already have given similar messages to Crist, who has yet to sign off on the proposal from the Department of Environmental Protection. Last month, Broward Mayor Josephus Eggelletion Jr. and Hollywood Mayor Mara Giulianti sent letters calling the costs prohibitive and requesting more precise data about harm to marine life.
Environmentalists and divers, who have pushed the state and utilities in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties to plug the pipes, believe persuasive research links nutrients in sewage to reef-choking algae blooms.
''It's the same as putting manure on your garden.'' said Ed Tichenor, who directs Palm Beach County's Reef Relief, which has campaigned to shut down the pipes since a major bloom engulfed a favorite diving spot in Delray Beach in 2003.
Brian LaPointe, a marine scientist at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution in Fort Pierce, said research shows much higher concentrations of ammonia, nitrogen and a soup of other pollutants than the state has estimated and direct impacts from not only algae but coral diseases and other maladies.
''I've seen firsthand what sewage does to reefs,'' he said.
DEP doesn't endorse a direct link between sewage and reef damage but its report says the "weight of the evidence . . . calls into question the environmental acceptability.''
Dade, Broward and Palm Beach each have two pipes running between two and three miles out to sea, discharging at depths of about 100 feet. Dade's extend from Virginia Key and near Florida International University's campus in North Miami. Broward's run from Hollywood and Pompano Beach.