WB on D70S? Help!


Premium Member
Can someone please tell me how to get the right white balance setting on my camera so that I can get some good pictures. I'm using a D70S with a 17-200 DX VR.

My current lighting is (2) 250W HQI 14K bulbs with (2) 75W VHo Super Actinic.

I would love to know how to adjust the white balance for the HQI's and then a seperate balance setting for just the Actinics w/o the HQIs.

Thanks! -Brian
Why don't you use RAW and then chose a preset or even any K value that you find replicates best what yuor eyes see. you could always use the same adjustments for all pictures taken under that specific lighting or even batch process all you pictures?
Raw would also allow to restore overexposed highlights more than a JPEG.
other options owuld be to creat your own WB set for yruo specific lighting by shoting a white sheet under that lighting and saving it as a new WB set. you will have to create a new WB set when yuo switch lighting.
My goal is to "TAKE" a correct photo so that I can minimize the amount of Photoshop work required. I have CS2 and I am familar with .nef (RAW) files. I just want to capture the correct image in the camera.
You can pre-set the white balance with a white-balance (whibal is a commonly used brand) card or a expo-disc.
On the D200 you would find the white balance button, hold it and when the camera flashes snap a photo of an 18% gray section of your rock (or sand). This should get you near perfect. The camera will report GOOD when you get a good WB or NoGD if you didn't.

Double check your manual to find the exact procedure for the D70 (might be menu based rather than a button on the back).