Web like thing cover zoas


New member
I bought a small colony from my LFS about 2 weeks ago and I fragged out a few pieces and left the big piece in my fuge. Some of the zoas I fragged out didn't make it but the some seemed fine, so I didn't think anything about it. I did a WC yesterday but then this morning I noticed a white web like thing covering part of the colony in the sump. Anyone have any idea what caused this? Any measures I should take when I get back home?

I don't have my params and I'm not home, but tank is around 80-82F and has a salinity of 1.025. 40B with 20L sump. It is in the fuge under 13W of light. Tank is about 3 months old.

If it's related, one frag in the tank just seemed to not make it while the other looked okay for a few days and the turned white (almost like it was bleaching).

I've attached a pic of the colony. I'm thinking I should take it out and frag off the healthy ones.


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im interested in this too. this happened to me before but about 1/4 of the total size of "webbing". i cleaned it off by gently brushing and using a small baster. it never came back and the zoas were fine.
Fresh water (rodi) dip it. Only for about 10 seconds. Then place it back in your tank.

Make sure the polyps close up first.
Great to know that yours came back! I brushed it off and it came back, so I brushed it off and did a short rodi dip. I removed the ones that looked dead/dying and the web hasn't come back yet. The others seem to be doing okay, except my DT ones that I fragged seem to be slowly dying. I'll try to let these settle for longer before I frag them out.