Webpages for all memeber!


Active member
I haven't talked with our newly forced into office president, Ken, or our new web master, ronert, but I want to do a little thing to give back to the club and perhaps help us come a little closer and appeal a little bit to new remember.

We seem to have a lot of people around with some very nice tanks that everyone is shocked and awwed by when we visit. Many people seem to post pretty quickly when they are having problems, but we don't often see any FTS(Full tank shots) or hear from people just showing off their tanks. (The PARC has had a lot of posts recently of tank shots.)

I am willing to build anyone willing to type up a little description on there set up a web page. I can come over to take some photos, or members could just send me the files, or we could use a combination. We talked about doing this before on the reef club site, but there is not really a lot of room. I will post all the large files on my webpage and give ronert a small HTML document with links to them. (BTW no one ask me to post HD videos on my webpage, I'm donating a little space, not a tetrabite, lol)

I was thinking perhaps I could throw up 3 of them the first month, but create several more and upload one each month just for something new and interesting. The people's who tanks are featured wouldn't be voted on or really get a prize like a tank of the month type thing.

Perhaps this will also give me motivation to rebuild my old web site(gordonious.com which currently has nothing on it):

<CENTER><IMG SRC="http://www.gordonious.com/Navigation/FrameGordoniousWAnimals.jpg"></CENTER>

It sounds like a nice idea Jon. If i understand it correctly, this will be on your site? I wonder how much capacity our club site has? or if it could support more data intensive personal sites? at no extra cost? I bet Ronert can tell us. it would be cool. even though i have no camera for photos.

Thanks for offering your space.
It's no problem. Like I said currently I have nothing on my site and I pay the same bill regardless if I have stuff on the site or not. I talked to Ronert a while ago and he seemed to think there wasn't a lot of room, but I am sure there is room for a couple more html documents with the pictures referenced to my page.

I think it's a great idea.

As for our site, I'm not entirely sure what we pay for. I am trying to figure that out. My assumption is we are paying for the non-profit package. But that's a guess.

If I'm correct, we have a 10MB limit. That's mot many pics. But it'll support a whole lot of html.

- ted
Hey Guys,
Another option could be to set up a wiki page for people. for those who are not familiar with the concept, a wiki ( like wikipedia )is a fully editable web page that anyone can go on and update.

Jon, rather than having to constantly update info, people can go on and add info any time they want...

let me know if you would like to work together to put something like this together... I posted it earlier this month, but the site I am working on is:

its still pretty rough, but I will be adding a tank journal for myself soon and adding in coral pics from the Dr mac trip.... if anyone else would like to add a page/journal feel free...

I'll have to look at the wiki stuff when I get a chance. I think it would be nicer to be on the DRC page with the same back ground and theme and only the adds we want on there if any. I could keep the html documents on my server and give people FTP permission to be able to edit their own pages. I could also allow Ted and you access to edit any of the member pages(accept mine of course:-) ) so we can help out the less tech savy people. Lots of options...
